God is Sovereign! You have to remember that. Life is messy, but God is in control of it. In reality, there is order, though we may not see it. Yes, things do not go our way all of the time, but you have to process the trial and find the joy in it. Find what you are to learn in the trial. Do not waste your trial or detour in life. Be open to what the Lord is doing in your life. Sometimes the detours in life bring joys your would have missed if you did not have the detour. The Lord knows what He is doing. Some of the most painful moments in my life have been the sweetest times with the Lord. He is the one person you never have to explain yourself to. He knows you from your head to your toes. He knows your whole history and knew you before your were born. Let that blow your mind. The God that created the universe knew you before your were formed in your mother's womb. Ps 139 Your are fearfully and wonderfully made. He loves you. You have to believe that and not think that God hates you when things do not go your way. If you were to see what He is trying to do in your life you would be humbled.
This is our detour, we have had residency for 1 year and 3 months. In Italy, you are allowed to drive on your country's drivers license for 1 year. I personally think, 1 year is good if you came from Europe but outside of Europe should be 2 years. The first year, your head feels like it is in a whirlwind. You have to take the driving test in Italian. The first year, we were just trying to figure out where to shop. Who has the best deals and get to language school. We knew we needed to get to driving school but we just could not do that. The people told us it is about 650 to 700 euros so times 2 and it is a lot of money. Also, it was all I could do to show up to language school. I would come home and crash. Well, the Lord is amazing. We were waiting for the revisione to come in the mail. Revisione is the smog check. It never came. Adamo got pulled over for it and we got 2 tickets one for the revisione and 1 for not having an Italian license. They took his American license. It is so sad because his motorcycle was finally fixed and he did not have a chance to enjoy it. Where we live reminds me of the colosseum. My neighbors watch every move we make and gossip. :) It is like living in a fish bowl. You cannot help but laugh sometimes. So...I cannot do the "drive anyway on my American license" because my neighbors all know and could report us. Is it frustrating? Yes. We are 6 people. When we go to the supermarket we bring home 4 to 5 recycle bags of food. It is hard to do that with a bicycle. The supermarket that we go does not deliver to our town. I have also learned the trains are not reliable. Yes, it is annoying and frustrating. Adamo and I talked about it and realized that the Lord wants us to learn public transportation and the bicycle. We also knew if this had not happened we would have probably procrastinated because the test is in Italian and we were driving and comfortable. We are now HIGHLY motivated to learn. It is going to be hard when winter comes because it is the rain season. I have never relied on public transportation before or ridden a bicycle regularly since I was 8 years old. My first day was, well..... humbling. I put the bicycle in the wrong car of the train twice. The GPS got me lost and I am terrible at turning on a bicycle. I know....it is an important thing to be able to do. I almost hit a car then at another point I fell and on the knee that was already hurting. By the time I got on the train and sat down to go home, I put my sunglasses on and let the tears flow quietly as I was surrounded by men and did not want them to hear me cry. I did ask God what is it He wants me to learn besides, I am failing all the time. The verse Phil 4:4 " Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." Joshua 1 :9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." The Lord knows me so well. I am frightened a lot, but the Lord is with me and I am learning a lot. I remember in University they had written, "Keep on keeping on. " When the Lord is walking with you do you really need anyone else? No, though it is nice to have people in your life to walk through life with but really all you need is the Lord Himself. Adamo and I are studying and it is a little easier for him since he reads Italian as it is his mother language. I will have to depend on the Lord to help me because the language is higher than where I am. We will celebrate when we can drive again. I already told Adamo where I want to go when I get my license, my favorite place....Lido di Camaiore and I bet Adamo will want to go to Cinque Terre for his celebration. :)
This is our detour, we have had residency for 1 year and 3 months. In Italy, you are allowed to drive on your country's drivers license for 1 year. I personally think, 1 year is good if you came from Europe but outside of Europe should be 2 years. The first year, your head feels like it is in a whirlwind. You have to take the driving test in Italian. The first year, we were just trying to figure out where to shop. Who has the best deals and get to language school. We knew we needed to get to driving school but we just could not do that. The people told us it is about 650 to 700 euros so times 2 and it is a lot of money. Also, it was all I could do to show up to language school. I would come home and crash. Well, the Lord is amazing. We were waiting for the revisione to come in the mail. Revisione is the smog check. It never came. Adamo got pulled over for it and we got 2 tickets one for the revisione and 1 for not having an Italian license. They took his American license. It is so sad because his motorcycle was finally fixed and he did not have a chance to enjoy it. Where we live reminds me of the colosseum. My neighbors watch every move we make and gossip. :) It is like living in a fish bowl. You cannot help but laugh sometimes. So...I cannot do the "drive anyway on my American license" because my neighbors all know and could report us. Is it frustrating? Yes. We are 6 people. When we go to the supermarket we bring home 4 to 5 recycle bags of food. It is hard to do that with a bicycle. The supermarket that we go does not deliver to our town. I have also learned the trains are not reliable. Yes, it is annoying and frustrating. Adamo and I talked about it and realized that the Lord wants us to learn public transportation and the bicycle. We also knew if this had not happened we would have probably procrastinated because the test is in Italian and we were driving and comfortable. We are now HIGHLY motivated to learn. It is going to be hard when winter comes because it is the rain season. I have never relied on public transportation before or ridden a bicycle regularly since I was 8 years old. My first day was, well..... humbling. I put the bicycle in the wrong car of the train twice. The GPS got me lost and I am terrible at turning on a bicycle. I know....it is an important thing to be able to do. I almost hit a car then at another point I fell and on the knee that was already hurting. By the time I got on the train and sat down to go home, I put my sunglasses on and let the tears flow quietly as I was surrounded by men and did not want them to hear me cry. I did ask God what is it He wants me to learn besides, I am failing all the time. The verse Phil 4:4 " Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." Joshua 1 :9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." The Lord knows me so well. I am frightened a lot, but the Lord is with me and I am learning a lot. I remember in University they had written, "Keep on keeping on. " When the Lord is walking with you do you really need anyone else? No, though it is nice to have people in your life to walk through life with but really all you need is the Lord Himself. Adamo and I are studying and it is a little easier for him since he reads Italian as it is his mother language. I will have to depend on the Lord to help me because the language is higher than where I am. We will celebrate when we can drive again. I already told Adamo where I want to go when I get my license, my favorite place....Lido di Camaiore and I bet Adamo will want to go to Cinque Terre for his celebration. :)