Why do we read the Bible? To be fair many don't read the Bible. They often rather read books about the Bible than read the Bible. They think that the Bible is boring. They obviously have not really read it. Why Should we read the Bible or better yet why do we Need to read and study the Bible? Is it to become a Christian? No, reading the Bible does not save you. Reading the Bible can lead you to salvation but the exercise of reading the Bible does not save you. Is it to be a good Christian? No, you will not get points with God or pats on the back for reading the Bible. There are many that have a lot of knowledge of the Bible. They can even translate the Bible from their spoken language to the original languages and back. They can give chapter and verse on things, but unless the Word of God sinks deeper than the head it will not transform a person. So, why do we NEED to read and study the Bible?
Once a person repents of their sins and turns to Christ and puts their faith and trust in Christ and His work on the cross alone for their salvation, they become a new creation. No longer do they have the heart of stone but now they will have a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26-27 The Christian wants to truly know this God he has chosen to serve and follow for the rest of time and beyond. Yes, you can learn things about God through creation but you truly learn about God through the scriptures. God is not whatever you want Him to be in your mind. People like to think of God as Love and more like a permissive parent. Is a permissive parent though truly showing love? God is love but He is so much more. Psalm 119 is a beautiful psalm. Most people when they talk about this Psalm only focus on the psalmist love for Your Word, Your precepts, the Book of the Law, your testimonies, etc. The thing that I love about Psalm 119 is that in that psalm you see in the midst of his constant adoration for the Book of the Law he tells of his painful trial. What gets him through that trial is the Word of God and God Himself. Remember the psalmist didn't have all 66 books of the Bible. He had the Pentateuch, which are the first 5 books of the Bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Three of those books are historical narrative and two law (Leviticus - Laws for the Levitical priesthood and Deuteronomy - Law for the people) These are the books that the psalmist was continually praising God for. You can learn a lot about God from these books. God is holy, righteous, just, merciful, gracious, omnipotent, loving, full of compassion, judge, omniscient, a God of order, precise, omnipresent, full of wisdom, and so much more.
We need to read and study the Bible to grow spiritually. Just reading and studying the Bible doesn't grow you it is meditation on the Scriptures. Allowing the Word of God to sink to your heart. The Word of God is living book. Meditations is a popular idea in the world but it involves the emptying your mind of stressing by focusing on things such a breathing or a purposeful thought. The Biblical meditating on the Word of God is as you are reading the Word you dwell on what you have read and let it fill you mind more importantly letting it fill your heart. Pray God's Word back to Him, especially His promises. It is like letting the Word of God marinate in your mind and heart. Over time the Word of God begins to transform you from the inside out. You begin to see the world from God's perspective not the world's. The focus of your heart and life is about living no longer for yourself but for your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading and studying the Bible is where you get your spiritual food. Charles Spurgeon said to always make your home in the Word of God. I have nothing against books. When my kids were little. After reading the Bible I really didn't have much time to read. I thought since I don't have much time to read to read Christian living books and learn something. I did learn. I have nothing against books. They are never to replace the Word of God. The Bible is like you main meal, books are like a healthy desert, and blogs like snacks. A diet though of just Christian living books will leave a weak Christian. The Bible is the living book not the Christian books about the Bible.
Lastly, you need to read and study the Bible to know the truth. There are so many counterfeit preachers, teachers, teachings, ideas, and other religions. The Bible is the measuring stick of truth. If it doesn't line up then a red flag should come up in your mind. Be like the Bereans Acts 17:10-15. Weigh everything to the Scriptures. I heard in a Bible Study I was in a guy say we are not to be fruit inspectors with fellow Christians but I beg to differ Matt 7:15-20 says we are. It is not to pound each other in judgement but it is in regards to teachers of the Word of God. It is how you will discover a false teacher that is teaching false doctrine. You need to know the scripture to not be lead astray. We need to be rooted and abiding in Christ John 15:1-17. How do we abide in Christ by having His Word abide in our hearts. The more you are in the Word and spending time with Christ in prayer we are drawing near to our Savior. Our hearts run over with joy as we draw near to the Lord Jesus. John 15:11. There is no greater joy or love than what we have in Christ. The closer we get to Christ the more we see the big scam that the world and its system is and have no taste for it.
My desire is for every Christian to be in the Bible and growing in the grace of God and the Lord's Word renews their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Once a person repents of their sins and turns to Christ and puts their faith and trust in Christ and His work on the cross alone for their salvation, they become a new creation. No longer do they have the heart of stone but now they will have a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26-27 The Christian wants to truly know this God he has chosen to serve and follow for the rest of time and beyond. Yes, you can learn things about God through creation but you truly learn about God through the scriptures. God is not whatever you want Him to be in your mind. People like to think of God as Love and more like a permissive parent. Is a permissive parent though truly showing love? God is love but He is so much more. Psalm 119 is a beautiful psalm. Most people when they talk about this Psalm only focus on the psalmist love for Your Word, Your precepts, the Book of the Law, your testimonies, etc. The thing that I love about Psalm 119 is that in that psalm you see in the midst of his constant adoration for the Book of the Law he tells of his painful trial. What gets him through that trial is the Word of God and God Himself. Remember the psalmist didn't have all 66 books of the Bible. He had the Pentateuch, which are the first 5 books of the Bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Three of those books are historical narrative and two law (Leviticus - Laws for the Levitical priesthood and Deuteronomy - Law for the people) These are the books that the psalmist was continually praising God for. You can learn a lot about God from these books. God is holy, righteous, just, merciful, gracious, omnipotent, loving, full of compassion, judge, omniscient, a God of order, precise, omnipresent, full of wisdom, and so much more.
We need to read and study the Bible to grow spiritually. Just reading and studying the Bible doesn't grow you it is meditation on the Scriptures. Allowing the Word of God to sink to your heart. The Word of God is living book. Meditations is a popular idea in the world but it involves the emptying your mind of stressing by focusing on things such a breathing or a purposeful thought. The Biblical meditating on the Word of God is as you are reading the Word you dwell on what you have read and let it fill you mind more importantly letting it fill your heart. Pray God's Word back to Him, especially His promises. It is like letting the Word of God marinate in your mind and heart. Over time the Word of God begins to transform you from the inside out. You begin to see the world from God's perspective not the world's. The focus of your heart and life is about living no longer for yourself but for your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading and studying the Bible is where you get your spiritual food. Charles Spurgeon said to always make your home in the Word of God. I have nothing against books. When my kids were little. After reading the Bible I really didn't have much time to read. I thought since I don't have much time to read to read Christian living books and learn something. I did learn. I have nothing against books. They are never to replace the Word of God. The Bible is like you main meal, books are like a healthy desert, and blogs like snacks. A diet though of just Christian living books will leave a weak Christian. The Bible is the living book not the Christian books about the Bible.
Lastly, you need to read and study the Bible to know the truth. There are so many counterfeit preachers, teachers, teachings, ideas, and other religions. The Bible is the measuring stick of truth. If it doesn't line up then a red flag should come up in your mind. Be like the Bereans Acts 17:10-15. Weigh everything to the Scriptures. I heard in a Bible Study I was in a guy say we are not to be fruit inspectors with fellow Christians but I beg to differ Matt 7:15-20 says we are. It is not to pound each other in judgement but it is in regards to teachers of the Word of God. It is how you will discover a false teacher that is teaching false doctrine. You need to know the scripture to not be lead astray. We need to be rooted and abiding in Christ John 15:1-17. How do we abide in Christ by having His Word abide in our hearts. The more you are in the Word and spending time with Christ in prayer we are drawing near to our Savior. Our hearts run over with joy as we draw near to the Lord Jesus. John 15:11. There is no greater joy or love than what we have in Christ. The closer we get to Christ the more we see the big scam that the world and its system is and have no taste for it.
My desire is for every Christian to be in the Bible and growing in the grace of God and the Lord's Word renews their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.