Robert Chapman the Example of Love

Robert Chapman was a lawyer. When he accepted Christ he gave up being a lawyer and became a pastor of small baptist church in Barnstaple, England. He bought some row houses. Then he gave the rest of his money away and lived by faith. Mr. Chapman used his home to house exhausted workers of the Lord. They were allowed to stay as long as they would like at no charge. He had a rule that no one was allowed to argue about doctrinal differences. He met with men one on one and asked about their walk with the Lord. He disciple them and prayed with them. The workers of the Lord went back to there ministries refreshed and ready to pour back into their ministries.
La Casa Del Ristoro -The House of Refreshment
Philemon 7 -" Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God's people"
Once we move to Lucca, Italy we want to raise funds to get a home that is big enough to house multiple of couples. We will not purchase anything until we have raise the full amount so there is no debt in the ministry. We want to do exactly like Robert Chapman and George Mueller did to have no debt in the ministry. We want to invite exhausted servants of the Lord to come and stay with us at no charge to get refreshed physically but also get refreshed spiritually. What is the best way to refresh someone spiritually? Talking and studying the scripture together. 2 Peter 3:1- "...In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder..." Hebrews 10: 24 - "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works," We want to love these fellow workers that are exhausted and burned out so that they can go back refreshed and energized and to share the love of God and the Gospel with their congregation.
Please consider helping us to achieve La Casa Del Ristoro and begin to refresh tired workers of the Lord.