Where are we now on our journey?
We are presently slowly liquidating our house. The goal is to move to Lucca, Italy at the end of March 2022. We are also in the process getting things ready to go such as, figuring out how to ship a few things over, figuring out how to change our city hall from Genova to Lucca and what documents are needed for the tax ID cards, etc.
We are going by faith. The Lord has provided the money to go and we trust Him to sustain us while we are there. We also know that God will provide for the ministry He wants done. We have men and women who have gone before us that have demonstrated God's faithfulness to the church today. We are going for life. So, it is a pretty big move. While we are getting ready to go we will continue to serve in our church here in Colorado as well as share with people what the Lord is calling us to do. We are looking for a group of strong prayer partners.
After we get in country and find a place to live and get settled, we have to get our tax ID cards and photo ID so Adamo can begin to look for a position as a hair designer. We will also have to find a doctor so that we can show our vaccine card and get the green pass. Adamo will be working part time as a hair designer so that he can integrate into the community quickly. In the beginning, he will just be an employee so the prices are fixed. He can't charge what he charges here, but we know God is faithful and will take care of us as He has always done.
December 2022 - We are now living in the Lucca, Italy region. Five of us are in language school to learn Italian. We are getting to know our village and the people living in our village. Once we get the language to where we can communicate better we be plugging into our church. We are living off of Social Security. The Lord has been faithful and taking care of us and our needs.
**Photo from https://bewitchedbyitaly.com/walking-walls-of-lucca.html